Here is a "behind the scenes" look at my work space. I don’t actually have a real studio space to work in. My husband and I both work out of our home, (he has a small home design and construction business) so we have to try to stay organized in order to not have our work take over the house! We do have one room set aside as an office, with desks, bookshelves, computer space, files etc. And I have a small table set up in a bedroom with my sewing machine. It's right by the window so I have a nice view of the backyard.
This small walk-in closet is dedicated to my craft supplies. This is my latest stash of wool sweaters, felted and stacked by color, waiting to be cut up and turned into something new. There are shelves of other fabrics and small drawers filled with zippers, thread, beads and ribbon.
A couple of days a week I take over our antique dining room table to cut out new designs for my handbags, plush animals and accessories.
I’ve found it helps me stay organized and keep track of the proper supplies for each project if I spend a day or two a week just cutting out wool and lining fabric, and getting all my pieces pressed and ready to sew.
I would love to have a studio space or room to myself, to be able to spread out my sewing and come and go as I please. But having a smaller space forces me to be more organized and much less messy! And for me that is a good thing.
It's fun to have a look into other crafter's work spaces! Folkartbykerry shares creative spaces of other artists on her blog Etsy Studios.