Okay, so they are not THE Bluebirds of Happiness, but they do make me happy to see them building a nest in the nest box on our fence! I thought I'd share a few photos with you. (I don't have a fancy camera, and I didn't want to get too close, but you can see one of them on the fence beside the nest box in each photo.)

"We never miss the music till the sweet-voiced bird has flown."
O. Henry
I just love this! We don't have blue birds on Long Island, not that I know of anyway. We've got blue jay's, but I've never seen a blue bird. They're just darling little birdies, and your clematis vines are stunning!!! Have fun watching them! Smiles, Paulette
I loved your photos....so sweet!
Happy Nesting & Stay Cozy, Carrie
Beautiful series of Bluebird photos..I stumbled upon your blog by sheer accident but so glad I have..I am so surprised these Bluebirds use the nest box as it seems quite convenient for prey to get inside and get the eggs/hatchlings. Have you had success in any clutches of birds? I was lucky enough to discover a Robin's nest in my backyard and photographed the cycle..from discovery to fledging..It was one of the most beautiful and special times..I hadn't noticed the building of the nest..the laying of eggs nor the hatching of them and when I came on scene the babies were about 9 days old..but boy was it awesome. The series is on my Flickr stream. I was inspired to research the habits of birds and in most cases all of the females are the ones who build the nests..and the males of the bird species seem to always be more vibrant than the females..but they are great providers for the babies and spend all of their days hunting and providing food..about every 20 minutes!
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