I am lucky to have a place to grow fresh fruits and vegetables in my garden. One of my favorites is the red raspberries which I love to use to make sorbet. But even if you do not have a garden, plenty of delicious fresh fruit is available from your local market or grocery. This is a surprisingly simple recipe with wonderful results. 
First, I have to give credit where credit is due. This recipe was adapted from Martha Stewart Living, Sorbets, Sherbets, and Granitas, in the June 2002 issue. If you can find the back issue at your local library, there is much more information about making these wonderful treats from a wide variety of fruits.
Here is the red raspberry sorbet recipe. (You will need an ice cream freezer to make this.) This recipe makes about a quart of sorbet which is perfect for most ice cream machines.
First, to make the simple syrup, prepare an ice bath. You can make any amount of syrup as long as you use equal parts sugar and water. Two cups of each is enough for one batch of sorbet. Combine the sugar and water in a large saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring occasionally until all sugar is well dissolved, about 10 minutes. Transfer to a large bowl set over the ice bath. Let stand until syrup is well chilled. Any unused syrup can be stored in the fridge.
Place the fruit in the bowl of a food processor with a few tablespoons of water to help it process smoothly. Puree until smooth; pour into a fine mess strainer set over a bowl. (I use this old food mill my Mom used to make tomato juice, but any fine mesh strainer will work) With a rubber spatula, press gently on the mixture to extract as much juice as possible. Don't press too hard or you'll force the seeds through the strainer. Discard the seeds and pulp.
Transfer two cups of fruit juice to a tall plastic container. Add 1 1/2 cups of simple syrup and stir well to combine.
Transfer to an ice cream maker. Freeze according to manufacturer's directions. The sorbet should be smooth and thick.
Transfer sorbet to an airtight container. Freeze for at least two hours before serving.
I hope you get a chance to try this recipe with raspberries or a fruit of your choice.