The gifts have been wrapped and the cookies have been baked.
The gifts have been wrapped and the cookies have been baked.
A snowplow had already cleared the street for those heading out early to work.
The heavy wet snow turned the neighborhood landscape into a winter wonderland.
Wishing you all a safe and Happy Halloween!
There is also a tutorial for making your own recycled wool sweater flower like the one in the upper right photo.
Our patio of brick pavers had become very uneven due to tree roots that had grown and spread over the years. We had the tree trimmed earlier in the season, so my husband decided it would be safe to trim the tree roots, too. He pulled up the uneven bricks and chopped out the offending roots. He also repaired a drain line to take water away from the house. After adding a little bit of sand for filler and replacing the bricks, the patio is as good as new.
I made new cushion covers for our furniture on the porch and added some comfy pillows for lounging. The pretty tropical print fabric that I found on clearance sale a while back looks great with all our flowers and plants surrounding the porch.
Here is the end result!
Bluebirds are using the nesting box on our garden fence again this year. This is the female bluebird with a nice bug to feed the kids.
I have several of these cute new clutch style purses now listed in the shop.
My favorite herbs are basil, chives, cilantro, dill, oregano, parsley, sage and thyme. Most of these are perennial, meaning a healthy plant will grow back each spring. Basil and dill can be grown easily from seed. As for the cilantro, we have a sandy patch of soil in the garden and grow cilantro in that same spot each year. Cilantro doesn't seem to like our hot humid summers, so after it flowers and turns to seed, which is coriander, we just let it reseed itself and then we have a new crop when the weather cools a little.
You can find herb seeds or herb plant starts at most garden centers, but if you're looking for something special, The Cook's Garden has a nice selection of herbs to choose from. You can order online or request a free catalog here.
photos from The Cook's Garden website.
I now have several new purses in felted wool listed in the shop.