After traveling all day, we arrived home late last night from a relaxing Carribean vacation . . . to 12 new inches of snow! We even needed help shoveling snow from, and around, our car that had been parked at the airport long term parking lot. And although we again awoke to a pretty, sunny day, (oh yeah, we're back to the real world!) the snow sure is piled up on the patio furniture in our back yard!

But, we had a great vacation - got a little bit of a tan, swam in the ocean, drank some tropical cocktails and ate some wonderful fresh seafood.
And now my Etsy shop, Felt Sew Good has been reopened for business and I have lots of new ideas for Spring! There's still time for Valentine shopping and I have a new batch of Heart Felt brooches. And check back next month for some new products!