A couple of my repurposed, felted wool sweater projects are featured in the Green Craft Walking section on page 96.
The model is holding one of my Emily mini-totes and wearing one of my felted flower brooches.
A fresh coat of snow overnight was the inspiration for my search of "snowflakes" on Etsy. Here is a simple collage of a few of my favorite items with a snowflake theme. Clockwise from the upper left photo:
a collage sheet of real snowflake photos from 1900, from piddix
child size felted wool mittens with snowflake pattern from my own shop, FeltSewGood
vintage snowflake brooch, from DesiredSimplicity
snowflake motif wedding invitations, from rgbcolor
Have a look at these items and more in the shops of these Etsy artisans and sellers!
a pretty envelope clutch in pinks and magenta,
Love Pears, plush pears in red prints would make a cute Valentine's Day gift,
Savannah, the Horse Lover art doll,
and a graphic black and white tote bag
I started with my craft closet and sewing cabinet, organizing thread, sweaters and fabric by color. Now I've moved on to some filing of paperwork and magazines that I had put off far too long. Our home office is starting to look better and I can use the desk top again!
Next I need to work on my clothes closet. It will be great to start out the new year refreshed and reorganized. I found great organizing tips and solutions at MarthaStewart.com/organizing. You can even sign up for an organizing tip-of-the-day!